Old Typing Adventure Games

Released: 1985

Genre: Adventure


Format reviewed:ZX Spectrum

Publisher:Adventure International

Developer:Brian Howarth

Submitted by:Crispian Driver

TypingOld Typing Adventure Games

Get all your fingers in the game! By playing these fun games, you will get all the fingers moving on the keyboard. As a result, it will be easy to move on to practice keyboarding. Am I the only one that really misses the old versions of those Sierra adventure games? The ones where you used the arrow keys to move around, and you actually had to type commands like 'get stick,' or 'draw gun.' Space Quest, King's Quest, Police Quest, and Conquest of Camelot. Ahhh those were the days.

On todays modern consoles these Adventure games are all but lost as a genre on people just getting into video gaming, i suppose the likes of Broken Sword are as close as we can get now, i believe some home brewers make them for various platforms. Thinking about it now, they are the perfect game for Mobile Phones with todays text addicted people, yes a game that could be played perfectly on a phone!

Typing adventure 3

Old Typing Adventure Games To Play

Anyway, this game is pretty close to the film, you play Billy and you have to save the town from the Gremlins. It had plenty of pretty graphical screens, although some were text only. I personally found these adventure games frustrating at times, literally not typing a letter or spelling a word wrong meant death or frustration. Having said that, this is one of my favourite adventure games, i even completed it, with some magazine help i'm sure. Damn, how many times did i have to push the button on that Peltzer Remote. A very good game, a quite faithful film conversion (rare even now).

Typing Adventure

These games certainly improved you're keyboard skills and forced you to think. If you're new to retro games, have a look at the original Brain Training of the 80's, not just Gremlins, but the adventure genre in general.